Why participate in standards, and how do they boost business anyway? Hear from company and standards executives on the benefits that standardization brings to their organizations, their industry, and beyond. Six new video stories are featured on ANSI’s Standards Boost Business resource:
What is Standards Boost Business?
The recently redesigned Standards Boosts Business (SBB) webpage is an ANSI initiative to inform and educate the public, including C-suite executives and public policy officials, about the ways that standards and conformity assessment activities boost business performance and innovation, lower business costs, and drive U.S. industry competition in the global marketplace.
Along with the new video stories, Standards Boost Business includes case studies; content on the value of standards participation; customizable elevator pitches; and a library of additional resources. The webpage is located on the Impact of Standards section of www.ansi.org.
Comments or questions on Standards Boost Business, including how to submit a case study, can be directed to [email protected].