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Contribute to the Field of Nanoplastics: Save the Date for ANSI Webinar


In an effort to boost needed standards activities in nanoplastics, the American National Standards Institute’s Nanotechnology Standards Panel (ANSI-NSP) will host a two-day virtual workshop featuring nano experts and other stakeholders who will identify needs for standards activities in the field.

The event will be held on September 10-11, 2024. Registration will open in the coming weeks.

Identifying Standards Efforts to Support Nanoplastics

The potential impacts of nanoplastics on humans and the environment are growing. However, variability in how to consider, characterize, and define nanoplastics is inhibiting their evaluation.

The ANSI-NSP webinar will identify needs for standards development that will improve how to describe, characterize, and evaluate the properties of nanoplastics. A key outcome of this meeting will be for U.S.-based standards development organizations to learn how they can contribute to the field of nanoplastics through various standards activities.

Questions can be directed to Heather Benko, associate director, ANSI nanotechnology standardization activities, at [email protected].

More about ANSI-NSP

In its 20th year, ANSI’s Nanotechnology Standards Panel was established at the request of Dr. John Marburger, then director of the Office and Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), to coordinate the development of standards, including nomenclature, in the area of nanotechnology. The ANSI-NSP has supported standards development that enables the safety and efficiency of nanotechnology-driven materials, products, and processes around the globe.

Find out more on the ANSI-NSP webpage.


Jana Zabinski

Senior Director, Communications & Public Relations


[email protected]

Beth Goodbaum

Journalist/Communications Specialist


[email protected]