Elevate your international standards knowledge and join a significant committee that helps support the aerospace industry! The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) 20, Aircraft and Space vehicles, invites relevant stakeholders to attend its virtual open house on May 15. The event is an opportunity to learn more about ISO/TC 20 and its subcommittees, as well as ways to get involved and represent the U.S. on the international standards stage.
On a Standards Space Mission: About ISO TC/20, Aircraft and Space Vehicles
ANSI, the U.S. member body to ISO, holds the secretariat for ISO/TC 20, which is responsible for developing internationally accepted standards for aircraft and space vehicles. Established in 1947 with nearly 600 published standards developed under its broad committee and subcommittees, the work of ISO/TC 20 encompasses the entire spectrum of aerospace industry for the design, manufacture, test, evaluation, operation, and maintenance of components, equipment, and subsystems for general aviation, commercial aircraft, and space systems.
The aerospace industry uses a large number of standards developed by many different enterprises and organizations. To that end, as ISO/TC 20 is constantly evaluating the aerospace industry to make sure its standards are delivered to market in a timely manner and meet immediate industry demands, it needs additional experts to amplify its efforts.
The virtual open house will include more information on how to get involved with the ISO/TC 20’s various dynamic subcommittees that focus on the following areas:
• ISO/TC 20/SC 1, Aerospace electrical requirements
• ISO/TC 20/SC 4, Aerospace fastener systems
• ISO/TC 20/SC 6, Standard atmosphere
• ISO/TC 20/SC 8, Aerospace terminology
• ISO/TC 20/SC 9, Air cargo and ground equipment
• ISO/TC 20/SC 10, Aerospace fluid systems and components
• ISO/TC 20/SC 13, Space data and information transfer systems
• ISO/TC 20/SC 14, Space systems and operations
• ISO/TC 20/SC 16, Unmanned aircraft systems
• ISO/TC 20/SC 17, Airport infrastructure
• ISO/TC 20/SC 18, Materials
Access more information on the event flyer and contact the ISO/TC 20 US TAG chair, Joy Fitzpatrick, to attend the open house: [email protected].
Get more information about in the event flyer and learn more about ISO/TC 20’s mission on ISO’s committee webpage.