Companies and organizations wishing to show their valuable support for the voluntary standardization community for the spring and fall World Standards Week (WSW) events can sign up for sponsorship opportunities, available at a variety of levels. Sponsors may support the spring events, fall events, or both—for the greatest value.
A premier annual gathering that brings together ANSI members and private- and public-sector stakeholders from across the standardization community, WSW fosters open dialogue on the latest issues, developments, and opportunities related to standardization.
Spring World Standard Week Events: May 17-20, 2022
Celebratory events originally scheduled for World Standards Week 2021 will take place in-person on May 17-20, 2022, in Washington, DC. In addition to the ANSI Leadership and Service Awards Ceremony honoring the 2020-2021 awardees, events will include an ANSI Legal Issues Forum focused on forensics standardization, an issue-focused conference, a meeting of ANSI’s National Policy Advisory Group, and the national launch of the Young and Emerging Professionals Program organized by the U.S. National Committee (USNC) to the International Electrochnical Commission. Many of the spring WSW events are also expected to be held virtually.
Fall World Standard Week Events: October 10-14, 2022
World Standards Week 2022 events will take place October 10-14, 2022, in-person in Washington, DC. Events will include an ANSI Leadership and Service Awards Ceremony honoring 2022 awardees, an ANSI Legal Issues Forum focused on copyright/trademark issues infringement, and an issue-focused conference, among other events. Many of the fall WSW events are also expected to be held virtually.
WSW Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond, platinum, and gold sponsorships are available (view tiers and benefits) via the sponsorship registration page. Questions may be directed to ANSI’s senior meetings and events manager, Stephanie Carroll, at [email protected].
Separate sponsorships will be available for the U.S. Celebration of World Standards Day exhibition, reception, and dinner events in spring and fall 2022. Details are forthcoming.