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Coordination in
the U.S. Standardization


Among ANSI’s key roles in the U.S. standardization system is to provide a neutral forum for coordination and identification of standards and conformity assessment needs in support of emerging technologies and national/global priorities. To achieve this, ANSI establishes standardization collaboratives, holds stakeholder workshops, and convenes other activities to bring together relevant stakeholders to assess and address standardization needs in a particular industry or technology area.

Standardization Collaboratives

A standardization collaborative is a mechanism established by ANSI to advance cross-sector coordination in the development and compatibility of the standards and conformance programs needed to support and grow emerging technologies and markets.

ANSI establishes standardization collaboratives when a clear need is expressed by the Institute’s membership, be it industry, government, and/or the broader standardization community.

These collaboratives help to inform stakeholder resource allocation for standards participation, avoid duplication of effort, and drive efficient and coordinated standardization activity by standards development organizations (SDOs).

An upward view of an american flag flying in front of a modern office building and a bright sky.

Timeline of ANSI Standardization Coordination Activities

SInce 1994, ANSI has initiated more than 15 standardization panels, workshops, and collaboratives focused on emerging technologies, growth markets, and other national prioritiesScroll through below to access more information on each, or download a timeline showing all the collaborative standards coordination activities, seven of which are currently active.

A glowing teal microprocessor chip.


Global Supply Chain Security for Microelectronics Standardization

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