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U.S. TAG to ISO/PC 317, Consumer protection:
privacy by design for consumer goods & services

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  4. U.S. TAG to ISO/PC 317, Consumer protection


The U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to ISO Project Committee (PC) 317, Consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services, formulates positions and proposals on behalf of the United States in response to activities of ISO/PC 317. The U.S. TAG provides the delegates and experts who represent the United States at international meetings of ISO/PC 317.

ISO/PC 317 brings together privacy experts from around the world to develop the first set of preventative international guidelines for ensuring consumer privacy is embedded into the design of a product or service.

Implementing the ISO/PC 317 standard will help companies comply with regulations and avoid potentially devastating data breaches that erode consumers’ confidence in the digital world. The standard will allow goods and services providers to address all the life-cycle issues of privacy by design, so that consumers can have greater confidence in their purchases and take back control over the use of their data.

ISO/PC 317 will “go wider” than GDPR by addressing cyber security of consumer products from the design stage.

The standard will impact online service providers, mobile application developers, providers of digitally connected consumer products, such as home appliances and wearable devices, and more.

As an ISO Project Committee, ISO/PC 317 has been established to develop a single ISO standard. The current scope of the committee, standardization in the field of consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services, mirrors the scope of ISO/PC 317.

A woman's hands holding a credit card in front of a laptop and cell phone, with security and connectivity icons superimposed on them.

U.S. TAG Administration

In partnership with the OASIS international open standards consortium, ANSI administers the U.S. TAG for ISO/PC 317. The U.S. TAG is guided by core principles shared by ANSI and OASIS for consensus, due process, and openness.

U.S. TAG Membership

U.S. TAG for ISO/PC 317 members comprise a diverse range of stakeholders committed to consumer privacy protection. Organizations, government agencies, and individuals are represented.


Membership in the TAG is open to all materially affected U.S. parties interested in the coordination and development of International Standards related to consumer protection.

Download the TAG membership application


For additional information on joining the TAG, please contact [email protected].

U.S. TAG to ISO/PC 317 Member Documents

(member log-in required)

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Jason Knopes

ANSI Sr. Program Manager

Kemi Allston

ANSI Sr. Program Administrator


[email protected]

Carol Geyer

Chief Development Officer
OASIS Open Source and Standards Communities

Dee Schur

Senior Manager, Development & Advocacy
OASIS Open Source and Standards Communities