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A Caucasian businesswoman and a black businessman talking in front of a U.S. flag.



The ANSI ISO Forum (AIF) is responsible for reviewing and providing input on ANSI draft positions on technical coordination and procedural issues of the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB), as AIF members must accept and implement the results of ISO/TMB decisions on those issues. It also provides an opportunity for ANSI to inform and educate this constituency on relevant matters, as well as an opportunity for AIF members to network on issues of common concern and share best practices.

The AIF reports to the ANSI ISO Council (AIC) as necessary, and follows the ANSI ISO Forum Operating Procedures.

Key Responsibilities

The activities of the ANSI ISO Forum include:

  • ISO procedural and technical coordination matters
  • Operations of ISO committees and related U.S. Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs)
  • Networking on best practices for operations of ISO committees and U.S. TAGs

Members & Officers

The Chair of the AIF is appointed by the AIC Chair for a two-year term (which may be extended for one additional term) and is responsible to lead the forum meeting discussions on matters for AIF member input.

Members of the AIF represent a balance of interests from the four ANSI membership categories (industry, organizations, government, and consumers), and a range of technical subject expertise, along with any individual serving as a U.S. Technical Advisory Group (TAG) administrator, U.S. TAG chairperson, U.S. delegated ISO committee manager, or U.S. ISO chairperson. The members of the AIF possess strong personal knowledge of and have strong interests/participation in ISO standardization activities. These individuals, with support from others in their organizations as necessary, have the appropriate knowledge and experience to participate in decision making on ANSI positions related to the detailed aspects of ISO technical, procedural, and coordination issues.

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Staff Contact

Sara Desautels

Senior Director, P-Membership Services